Thursday, January 31, 2008


That is what we are.

I take notes during the services I attend for a reason or two. 1)Because when you hear and write, it stays in memory better; 2) you can always look back at what you've written. However, that second one comes with a twist: it only works if you keep track of your notes! I've had notebooks, fliers, anything I can write on just about, but something always seems to be happening to them. So I figured I would put my sermon notes on here. Obviously, I will first be writing them as it's not very practical to bring the desktop to church service and be continually typing. But then I will come home and post what I have written on here, so that I can be able to review them and maybe someone else will be able to get some use out of it as well. They will not always be in the same order, and sometimes, like during verse changes and flipping through to find it, I may miss a word or two, but they will be as complete as I can possibly get.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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