Wednesday, February 20, 2008


by Bro. Donny ? (from Ambassador Baptist College)
2/17/08 - Sunday AM
I Samuel 3:1

*This was a very good message, but he talked really fast and unfortunately I couldn't keep up all the way. I was able to jot down all the points (I think) and most of the references. Sorry if there are any gaps!*

Is the Word of the Lord precious to you?

Three reasons why the Word of the Lord must be precious to us

1. Because of the Provision of God II Timothy 3:16
A. The Word of God is absolute. It is eternal and complete.
B. It is given Word.
I Kings 6:4 , I Kings 16:1 , I Kings 18:1 , II Chronicles 11:2 , Jeremiah 1:11 , Hosea 1:1 , Jonah 1:1 , Zephaniah 1:1 , Malachi 1:11

We need to love It because God has given It to us
Don't trade It in Psalm 119:7

2. Because of the Power of the Word of God
Jeremiah 23:29 , Proverbs 14:12 , Psalm 119:33,35,105,133
Power to guide us
Power to help us grow
Power to give us victory (over sin) I Corinthians 10:31 , Galatians 5:16

3. Because of the Picture of the Word of God
A. By Creation Romans 1:20
B. By our conscience
John 8 - our sinful condition
Romans 8:38-39 - His love
Hebrews 13:5-6 - His faithfulness
Psalm 86:5 - His forgiveness
Daniel 9:7 - His righteousness
Psalm 62:7 , Psalm 3:8 , John 3:16 - His Salvation

It tells us about God. He loves us and wants to save us.

Study It if It is precious to you!

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